Judith Lynn Byrd Fisher
Judith Lynn's Latest Interactions
Birthday Candy!
Happy Birthday Candy!
Happy Birthday, Judy! Here's hoping that you are doing well. Have a great day today!
Happy birthday, Judy.
Happy Birthday, Judy! Good to see you at the reunion. Hope you are still doing well. Have a great day/weekend! Take care!
Have a Happy Birthday, Judy. Enjoy all you can.
Happy birthday, Judy.
Happy Birthday, Judy! I hope your special day has been .... well, special, so far! And I hope you are doing well. Stay safe and take care.
Happy birthday, judy.
Posted on: Jun 24, 2021 at 7:54 AM
Candy, hope you have the happiest of birthdays! At our age each birthday is a gift!
Judy, just now got the notice of your Birthday. I hope it was a Happy one and that you are doing well. Take care.
Happy Birthday, Judy! I hope you are doing well. Be safe and enjoy your day.
Happy birthday, Judy.
Posted on: Apr 09, 2020 at 6:34 PM
Judy, I hope you had a very Happy Birthday and still feeling well and safe. Take care.
Posted on: Apr 08, 2020 at 10:31 AM
Happy Birthday, Judy! I hope you are doing well. Have a great day and take care.