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•   Arlin Braddock Brawner  11/25
•   Jerry Dean Nixon  11/27
•   Harriet Butler (Kemp)  12/2
•   Mark Mills (Mills)  12/6
•   Dwight Eugene Wilson  12/12
•   Rush (Sandy ) Bowman  12/14
•   Benny Frank Warford  12/14

Corinth High School
Class Of 1962

Received this email from our classmate Susan Burress Artner:


Dear Milton and Class ,

Such a surprise to receive in my mailbox today a lovely card signed by some number of the class who I guess were present at the ‘Do’ held recently. It was such a thoughtful thing to do and it’s really appreciated. Although I am quite content & happy in this far off place in bottom of Pacific , I have wished many times I could beam  in for the get togethers and talking about old times - because I have no one here with like experiences , it can be a bit isolating.
I still often  think of the excellent teachers we had like Mrs Sharp,Mrs Dalton, Mrs Reece (a few that come to mind) who paved the way for one to be literate and have a love of books and history. We were so fortunate to have had such a wonderful class of personalities and really good school spirit. I have also recalled Mr Doran and the band (I can’t imagine I was any good at the clarinet and yet we all were included even if we couldn’t stay in step).
Best wishes to everyone for the next two months of year and may 2025 be kind to all.




   Hostesses Vonceil Brewster Smith and Patricia Jobe Ardoin would

like to invite everyone to our next monthly get-together on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 11 A.M.   While we plan our next roaming adventure, we'll return to  Vicari Restaurant, 514 Cruise Street, Corinth, MS 38834 unless other arrangements are made.  Menus are available online at if you would like to check it out. 

The conversations and memories never seem to stop flowing.

We hope any out of town classmates able to make the trip will join us.

Please notify Vonceil (662) 872-9208 or Patricia (662) 415-5816 by Monday, 12/9/2024, if you can attend our next monthly luncheon so we can give a head count to the restaurant.

Looking forward to seeing you there!




After a wonderful weekend visiting and reliving a lot of memories with Corinth High School Classmates of the Class of 1962, I was saddened this evening to hear that everyone's friend and classmate Phil Butler passed away this evening at 6 P.M., Sunday, October 27, 2024.

Phil was suffering from Alzheimers and was in a Memory Care Facility in Knoxville, TN.  He fell a week before last Friday and was transfered to the hospital ICU where he contracted pneumonia. 

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Phil's family.  Phil was the last of the Butlers in our class.  David Green told me tonight that he and James Neal will be singing again together in heaven.

Details and obituary will be posted when available.





I've had my share of pleasure

      And even more of pain

And both I've come to treasure,

   The sunshine AND the rain;

    With little left to boast of

   The scars I bear a host of

Now help me make the most of

  The moments that remain.